Living Young Well


Lift your eyes up, hold your head up high, be the person He made you to be. You will find your time, where your voice is heard, as you shine bright as the Son.

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Speak Truth Over Fear

What you store up in your heart will be brought forth from your lips (Luke 6:45).
Meet hatred with love; use your words to rise above.
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Made Great

There is nothing insignificant, in regards to God's creation;
Surely, there is nothing insignificant about you!
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Why Hold Back?

A "no" in one place simply sets you on the course to find the "YES" somewhere else. Never let fear hold you back from living; find freedom, find life.
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What in the World is Going On?

When prompted to pray, you pray! It's principalities of darkness we fight against; the name of Jesus has power, speak His name!
|Gospel Truth|Speak His Name|

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What If...

Why shake-off a good thing to replace it with something less? "Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good." |Romans 12:21|The Climb|
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It Was Love

It's important to instill in our children victory won:
Sin forgiven, death over-ridden, life never-endin'; Love given.
|He is Risen|
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In The Words of John Schlott: "God Deserves Your Real".

"Real" equates to honesty. God desires close relationships where we can be naked and unashamed. Lay your heart bare, freedom & peace found there. |Perfect Love|
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Stuff On My Baby

Typically, I don't participate in what's popular; however, who can resist when
"what's trending now"
involves babies!?!
Without further ado, I give you pictures of:
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At this point in my life I need not celebrate anything;
breathing in silence, my version of Heaven on earth.
|Mommy Problems||Motherhood||Mom Prayers|
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