I am not a Jehovah's Witness.
However, at this point in my life I'd be willing to embrace part of their life-style:
I need not celebrate anything.
It was only due to my children's expectations that my birthday was mentioned. After all, they've been taught that birthdays equate to the
"Happy Birthday" song, gifts and some type of sweet treat. So, this past weekend:
"Here, kids, have a 'Happy Birthday' sucker."
Which was greeted with a chorus of "Hoorays!"
Kids birthday expectations satisfied, the day moved onward.
My birthday wish, for 7 years running now, has looked like this: Five hours to myself.
Two hours to read a good book.
Two hours to write.
One hour to just breath.
Yep, breathing in silence, my kind of heaven on earth!
This birthday wish has yet to come true; however, I know it will...
in another 16 years or so.
We have cake in December,

February, April and June;
four cakes, in one year, is plenty!
For my birthday: "I'll have Chinese take-out, please." With the kids playing in the background, I closed the door to my bedroom, said a prayer: May I not be disturbed, may there be no fighting or crying to be heard. I ate my Chinese while watching some mind-numbing, thought-less provoking television show while giving thanks: Outside of my home-life, in the place where I live,
things are drama free.
God heard, He answered: He said, "Yes!"
Happy 37 to me.

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Jean Postema
March 30, 2015
Thirty-seven years ago who would of known the crying baby that was placed in my arms would now have four of her own one of which looks exactly like her when she was little so many people have told me this it’s not just Oma. Her other little sweet girl has alot of her strong spirited ways. Her oldest son has her smart wit and can talk circles around you just like his mom could, and her youngest son, well he is just sweet as sweet can be but has a twinkle in his eye that says,“watch out world here I come,” just like his mom eyes twinkled. It’s wonderful to see parts of my daughter in all four of her children. But I too wish for her moments of quiet and I hope along with her dad, Opa, can visit her soon so we can give her her belated birthday wish.