Writing is often a solitary pursuit. You are alone.
Not always
oftentimes within non-fiction you have your memories to keep you company and, within the fiction it's your characters who provide you with some form and variety of fellowship.
Nonetheless, as a writer you are alone within your pursuits until the moment your words find there way to an audience.
It's within an audience your words, and you; perhaps, are able to find new ways of breathing and becoming more fully alive.The above is how my writing journey has been for me since I was nine years old. Oh, there's been moments of respite; however, for the most part, I've been alone without a
kindred spirit by my side.
This all changed a month and a half ago! I had heard of Hope*Writers before; but, membership posed a problematic twist. Having worked with "guru's" within social media and writing fields I was skeptical. Would I really learn enough to justify the $47 dollar a month price tag? Would I find the answers to my questions in regard to the monetization of the space MomPro holds online? (After all, MomPro has never paid for itself.)
Hope*Writers has laid all my doubts to rest! It's writers sharing EVERYTHING they've learned within their journeys. There's nothing being held back. It was created by successfully published, Christian authors
for authors. You can be just starting out; or, like me, well established online but still in need of learning what
the next right thing is that needs to be done for you to reach your writing goals. From a library stocked full of teachings to an online community like none other. You will be fed knowledge, tips, helpful hints; you will find your way to break-through moments of application and you will receive encouragement for every step forward (or back) you take. You will find your people!
No time like the present to jump on in! A time of uncertainty where we have the ability to choose a new path for ourselves.
Choose for you, for yours, choose a new future where you live out what God has purposed you for! 
Join me and we'll find ourselves writing side-by-side:
You'll find hope. You'll call yourself a writer. You'll find life.
Giving my all to raise you up!
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December 01, 2020