Finding Hope in the Next Stage of Life

A True Cliche - Image Provided by Oh Tilly Styled Stock Photography - Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes

Even if you are in a place that you can’t completely escape,
for longer than you think you can handle it,
life is always changing.

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A New Year's Blessing

Best Year of Your Life - Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes

The Top Five Things All Mom's Need.
Spoiler Alert: Caffeine & Jesus Made The List!
The Years Short But The Days Long;
Ya'll Are Gonna Need This.
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ABC's of Motherhood: Mommin' Ain't Easy!

M is for Mom and Mommin' Ain't Easy

Mommin' ain't easy;
and, as Jill Savage writes in 'Real Mom's... Real Jesus':
"Never forget you have a Savior who understands."
|Take the Mercy, Accept the Help|
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An Open Letter to Kim Fields

Kim Fields loves Jesus, her husband, her boys
and is a shining example of living out Titus 2: "Teach that which is good";
an open letter of encouragement for all.
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What If...

Why shake-off a good thing to replace it with something less? "Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good." |Romans 12:21|The Climb|
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