ABC's of Motherhood: Mommin' Ain't Easy!

Mommin' Ain't Easy - Image Created By: Jennie Louwes

and, as Jill Savage writes in Real Mom's... Real Jesus:
"Never forget you have a Savior who understands."

When I sat down to finish this post,
and re-read the brief intro above,
what should come to mind? "Oh, what a relief it is!"

The power of a jingle my friends.
(Anyone want to write one with MomPro in mind?)

Truly though,
what a burden lifter it is to know, trust and believe

Jesus Understands - Image Created By: Jennie Louwes
He understands our non-stop interruptions; but,
He handles them all with patience, love and grace.

True story,
I can't say the same!

(We're all works in progress;
perhaps, never more true than while we work to shape our little people
as they, in turn, shape us too.)

Shaping brings to mind the Potter and the Clay:
God's hands are within and upon everything.
We are responsible to "teach what's good" to our children,
and we must be actively involved;
however, we bring them to Jesus in our prayers,
laying them at His feet,
and can rest assured that He is molding them and shaping them along-side of us,
His hands upon ours as they grow.

The Work of His Hands - Image Created By: Jennie Louwes

Oh, and back to Real Mom's... Real Jesus,
"Let's re-frame what we do every day as moms -
seeing interruptions as opportunities rather than frustrations.
Grow in us servant hearts that minister to whoever is standing in front of us." 
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Prayer, above, found on page 15 of Real Mom's... Real Jesus  -
Yep, it starts off so good and just keeps on giving!
Loving, gentle and encouraging words of wisdom and perspective found within;
"take the mercy, accept the help" (Hebrews 4:16b, The Message).

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