He Gave You the World

As moms we can feel isolated and alone.
It's important to remember "The One" who gave you the world
wants to sustain you, draw near to you, and is willing to carry you.

Mom Prayers - Image: Aubin Sadiki via Freely Photo's - Word and Overlay by Jennie Louwes
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No Comparison

That Girl is On Fire - Image Created by Jennie Louwes

We're all inherently different.
Made different on purpose.
Let's come together and be the one body,
with many parts,
we were meant to be!
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Meals Made Easy: Pancakes

Cheers to traditions, new and old,
they become a part of who we are and family lore:
From the families featured in 
Norman Rockwell Paintings to the Griswold's,
may your family stay true to who ya'll are. 

What's for Dinner? - Image Provided by Anjanette Barr
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ABC's of Motherhood: Mommin' Ain't Easy!

M is for Mom and Mommin' Ain't Easy

Mommin' ain't easy;
and, as Jill Savage writes in 'Real Mom's... Real Jesus':
"Never forget you have a Savior who understands."
|Take the Mercy, Accept the Help|
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