No Comparison

Some mom's keep a perfect house.
Some mom's don't.
Some mom's are Pinterest perfect.
Some mom's are not. 

Does any of this really matter!?!

Why compare yourself to any other? 
We all are inherently different.
Our DNA, coupled with our own upbringing;
our pregnancy's, to our children's birth stories,
to our kid's "gotcha days";
all create a back-drop that cannot be replicated within another's home!

We all have strengths and weaknesses. 
We all have things we love to do and accomplish
and those things we don't.
We were all made to be different on purpose.

As Barbara Streisand once said,

How Boring Life Would Be - Image Created by Jennie Louwes - Words by Barbara Streisand

And the Bible says we were made different on purpose,
to fulfill different roles,
creating one body with many parts
(I Corinthians 12:12-27).
We need one another.

We don't need each other's pages to compare ourselves against.
Instead, we need each other to find encouragement,
inspiration, and to see our own value and worth.

Don't use your light to only be found and seen.
Use your light, like a fire:

Be the Light - Image Created by Jennie Louwes

Not fire's of destruction
but of life-giving warmth and comfort.

We're in this together.

Leave Your Shoes at the Door - Image Created by Jennie Louwes

Given life to live.
Not to compare and lose hope.
Be you, bring value.

All we have to do
is be ourselves and share life;
share to encourage.

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