Finding Hope in the Next Stage of Life

A True Cliche - Image Provided by Oh Tilly Styled Stock Photography - Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes

Even if you are in a place that you can’t completely escape,
for longer than you think you can handle it,
life is always changing.

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Where There's a Mess There's Construction Underway

Construction Zone - Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes

"We have to get rid of perfectionist illusions;
we're a building set, not a show-room"
(Pastor Colin Smith).
This is good news for every mom I know!
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Six Steps Towards Freedom from Second-Guessing Yourself

Blessed is She Among Women - Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes

Instead of a sail without a rudder,
you've got an anchor that grounds you,
hope that surrounds you,
and a purpose (beyond measure) of anything you've known before.

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We're All Connected

Be the Change - Word Over-lay by Jennie Louwes

When someone hits pay-dirt
but your visions of life, and passionate pursuits, remain unfulfilled -
where does that leave you?
Disappointed, insecure, filled with discontent?
Read to gain perspective and be encouraged as you find your own way forward.

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