
Someone's Miracle - Word Over-lay by Jennie Louwes

Did you know being someone's hero is easier than you might think?
If you are between the ages of 18 and 44,
there's a specific way in which you can #BeTheMatch
to save a life.
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We're All Connected

Be the Change - Word Over-lay by Jennie Louwes

When someone hits pay-dirt
but your visions of life, and passionate pursuits, remain unfulfilled -
where does that leave you?
Disappointed, insecure, filled with discontent?
Read to gain perspective and be encouraged as you find your own way forward.

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The Wisest Way

Seek ye first the kingdom of God.
(Matthew 6:33)
Knock and the door shall be opened.
(Matthew 7:7-8)
Try it first before you buy it.
Once convinced, join in!
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Back to Basics

Progress is not always progress. Why modify what God has given us?
The only way back to the garden is to get back to the basics
of how we were meant to live.
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On A Mission

Be open to whatever God has in store.
Regardless of circumstance; God is the God of the impossible.
When you are weak, it's then you are strong;
Put Your God On!

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