
A Sacred Vow - Image via Janet Henderson

When you share someone's sacred journey,
a last day filled with holy moments,
such as Amy Henderson Llanto's
it's important to allow room between;
room for the Holy Spirit to talk to each person's soul,
for action to be taken before the next opportunity,
to help someone,

But now,
now is the time to honor those who have died
by attempting to save others,
who are clinging to life
in this moment.

Did you know being someone's hero is easier than you might think? 
If you are between the ages of 18 and 44, 
there's a specific way in which you can 

Be The Match - Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes

I placed my name on The Bone Marrow Registry List,
to donate to those in need,
and you can too!

The online portion took 10 minutes to complete;
I'm awaiting my swab kit to come in the mail.
Once I send the swab kit back in things will be official:
I might be chosen to help save someone's life soon,
or years from now,
but the possibility is out there.

That's a sobering, yet exciting thought filled with hopeful anticipation;
especially, when taking into consideration that there are infants,
like 7 month old "Baby Elias",
who's only chance at living too old age is that of a bone marrow transplant.
May his story spur you into action as it has done for me.

With a bone marrow,
or blood cell donation,
pain is minimal;
what's a little bit of pain,
or discomfort,
to extend someone's life?

Let's do this together!
Join me.
Sign-Up to #BeTheMatch.


Click here to be a hero;
click here to be the next person to save a life.

Giving my all to raise you up!


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