What does every reluctant reading boy-child need to spark his desire to read?
The promise of gas, monsters, and mayhem of course!
Throw in a wee bit of comic strip, bubble talking fun,
and the book gets topped off like whipped cream on an old-fashioned sundae.
Too good to be true!?!
Nope! And, it gets even better!
Completely and utterly G-rated material!
Plus, if you (as Mom) say, "Ewww... That's gross! I'm so glad I can't smell that!"
Your boy-child is bound to like it even more!
What book series could this be?
Billy and the Mini Monsters
A 6 book series that my oldest son wishes never ended.
He's had other series he's enjoyed
because of humor being spot on and unexpected
"Fly Guy";
However, nothing has come close to his enjoyment when reading Billy and the Mini Monsters.
It might have something to do with the Tooth Fairy.
The Tooth Fairy
(in residence at our house)
told my boy
(within a letter)
his two last "baby" teeth would be celebrated by going out with a bang
(whenever they fell).
His 2nd to last tooth fell out
(a little over a week ago)
and she left him a
Whoopee Cushion in exchange for his tooth.
She made sure to let him know it
wasn't parent approved;
she had to keep her word:
She told him his teeth would be celebrated with a bang and she meant it!
(I wonder what his last tooth is going to bring!?!)
Now, not only can my boy-child read about a mini-monster named Trumpet
who happens to love cheese;
he can also pretend to
"cut the cheese" whenever a horrible smell follows in Trumpet's wake throughout the book series.
Every boy-child's dreams come true!
To ensure my oldest son learns the joys of reading
I will endure the gas and jokes
and embrace his smiles and laughter
regardless of how far away from etiquette and manners we stray.
Because, when he reads with dramatic flair and abandon,
and re-reads books on his own,
(both for himself as well as to his brother and sisters),
I know he's on a path to becoming a confident, accelerated, joy-filled reader;
and, that's part of every mama's dream for their kids.

What other series of books have you discovered
that have brought about successful readers in your home?
Feel free to drop a comment below!
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