Trumpet and the Cheese

Raising Successful Readers - Image Found via Morgue Files - Words by Jennie Louwes

To ensure my oldest son learns the joys of reading 
I will endure the gas and jokes 
and embrace his smiles and laughter
regardless of how far away from etiquette and manners we stray.
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The Perfect Nest

Have you ever wanted to be able to shout, "Great Balls of Fire!",
like "Goose" from "Top Gun", (or Jerry Lee Lewis himself),
all while reminiscing of child-hood days when you'd do that while jumping,
cannon-ball style, into a pool?
If you said, "Yes",
and the above resonates within your soul,
have I got a book for you!
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I Can Read!

We Can Do Hard Things - Image by Jennie Louwes

How to teach a reluctant reader to read within 5 easy steps.
Attitude changes everything as does repetition and prayer.
You can do this; we can do hard things.
|Everything's Possible with God|
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