The Perfect Nest

Like a skilled story-teller,
do you lose inhibition when reading books to your kids?
Letting loose with fake accents and such
with any given character?
Have you ever wanted to be able to shout,
"Great Balls of Fire!"
like "Goose" from "Top Gun",
(or Jerry Lee Lewis himself),

all while reminiscing of child-hood days
when you'd do that while jumping,
cannon-ball style,
into a pool?

If you said, "Yes",
and the above resonates with you in any way;
have I got a book for you!

by Catherine Friend.

You'll have the opportunity to play the role of a Spanish Chicken,
a French duck,
and a Southern... 
(you guessed it)...
And, although the goose is a female,
you better believe "Top Gun" left an indelible impression upon her soul
while she was growing up too;
because, when she first catches a glimpse of the perfect nest
she belts out, "Great Balls of Fire!" in her very own, Southern Fried Accent.

The crafty cat, named Jack, thinks he's won the jackpot
what with having lured not one,
but three types of egg-laying fowl into his nest;
you see, he's been dreaming of omelets for quite some time.
However, something entirely unexpected happens!
Reminiscent of real life:

Carry On - Image by Jennie Louwes

A book that adults and children alike will enjoy;
especially, adults of a certain age.
(Is anyone out there almost 40 like me?)

Pick yourself up a copy of
"The Perfect Nest"
and when your kids ask, "Can you read it again mom?"
I promise you'll readily, eagerly, and happily agree.
Yep, it's that good!

First Things First - Image by Jennie Louwes

Giving my all to raise you up!



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