An Open Letter to Kim Fields

Kim Fields loves Jesus, her husband, her boys
and is a shining example of living out Titus 2: "Teach that which is good";
an open letter of encouragement for all.
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Cleanse Yourself; Be Made Clean

A moment with a curtain drawn;
to breathe deep,
to feel the cleansing power of water upon your skin;
currently, my version of Amazing Grace.
|Self-Care|Every Mama Needs This|
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Doesn't Take Much

It doesn't take much to be a MomPro, it just takes everything you've got!
Be encouraged: God made you a mother. He doesn't make mistakes.

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While They Are Young

He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young. |Isaiah 40:11|
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God's Fingerprint

Regain your confidence!
"Let the Spirit of God be what attracts".
|31 Status|Lizzie Young| The Spoken Word|
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Starting Small

"The tendency, in leadership, is to want to start something big. But what you want to go for is impact, and that is best attained by starting small and growing out." (Kerri Weems)

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The Sky Is Awake

"The sky is awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play!" (Anna waking Elsa in the movie: Frozen) Put your joy on, and get a move on, with a smile upon your face :-)


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