God's Fingerprint

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Regain your confidence!

You are "pregnant with purpose".

"Let the Spirit of God be what attracts".

31 Status is currently closed, shut down in February of 2014; however, their message lives on.

"We are women of a different status" and we've been called to impact the world.

Ministries blossom, grow, and sometimes fade. However, a re-launch is always possible and that is what I hope for in regards to Lizzie and her sister, Janette. I share this, in hopes they see it; encouragement to continue.

I share this with you, those viewing this on MomPro; don't compromise, don't give in, you've been called to so much more than the world's standards of what a woman can be, what a woman should be.

As "God's Fingerprint" we are to stand-out for Him; "God-given visions coming to fruition".

"Deliver back what has been deposited".

in Jesus' Name,


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