When you learn to accept the face in the mirror as beautiful,
When you learn that your flaws are just part of your personality;
When you embrace being as unique as a snowflake,
You'll find freedom to simply be you.
If to God we are presented as perfect,
no imperfections seen,
then, truly, what does man's opinion matter?
Now, how to embrace your perfection without thinking too highly of yourself?
That's easy. Isn't it in the everyday minutia of life?
I know I'm perfect, but unlike God, I see my flaws.
Here's the thing. See your flaws and pray them away.
If you are still waiting to be made new;
We can be made new daily as we are covered by His grace.
If to you, your flaws are physical, pray.
The physicality of what ails you may never change,
like the scar I have on my forehead,
(from a "walking and talking" accident I caused myself when I was four),
but how you view it does have the ability to change.
Embrace who you are,
God does.
He is waiting with sweet anticipation,
preparing a banquet table in your honor;
He is waiting for the day He's able to welcome you home to the place He has prepared just for you.
All He desires is for you to live the life He has given you to the best of your ability.
Loved by Him you are free from all that hinders you.
No more hiding your face, your name;
You are flawless beauty.
It's time to fly.
Embrace God's love for you,
have no fear;
you've been given freedom to live,
live free,
my dear.