"Some hunt for love,
some hunt for purpose,
some hunt for truth; find it and keep hunting."
(Absentia; Amazon Prime Original)
Even shows that many Christians would consider ungodly sometimes share what's right and good within the obscenity of it all.
The writers of "Absentia" got it right."Seek Like Kings" is in process of being established. Built-up from ideas into words; the future is bright!
God gifted Kyle and Ashley Elrod with a hunger and a thirst for Biblical knowledge and truth. Diving deeper, seeking out the mysteries, and living out their Christianity differently than the masses.
Plenty can live life within platitudes: Being "good" on Sundays, by making an appearance at church, but not living their faith out during the week. Forgetting the call on their lives and instead being seekers of selves.
However, Kyle and Ashley are taking a different stance:
"Seek Like Kings" is about Scripture and about God and about how He still talks to us today. He still leads us to new and wondrous things. He still has mysteries He wishes to unveil to those who believe.
It's only the believers that have eyes to see and ears to hear; we don't want to miss a thing!We also want our Christian faith to go beyond words written on a screen, seen on a video, heard via a phone. We want to share what we've learned through our actions. We want there to be acts of humanity done that show we are one; one body, many parts, each caring for the other. Living out loud what we believe. Beyond talk to action.
Not getting caught up in bureaucratic red tape. Not declaring and becoming tied down within a denomination's rules and regulations but going rogue where hands are not tied, where we don't have to have all of the answers, we don't have to know it all, we don't have to be more than who we are and a Master's of Divinity is not required.
Simply showing up, with willing hearts, is all that's needed. Covering one another, and joint projects, in prayer. Partnering with God and taking the world by storm. Living differently where all still make a living but we also share in life too.
"Seek Like Kings" watch it grow from infancy now to what the next year will bring: We don't claim to know, it's a mystery; but, we're excited to watch it grow!
God gave the thoughts, the names ("Seek Like Kings" and "MomPro"), brought about a partnership; now, we lay ourselves down as open vessels, waiting to be filled while also standing firmly planted,
waiting for the next mystery to be revealed. Won't you join us?
Look for an article coming from
Kyle and Ashley soon:
Approaching 10 years of marriage with 4 kids to boot, Kyle and Ashley have devoted themselves to family and enjoying the roller coaster of life that follows. Being led through numerous cities and church families by the chaotic winds of change, they have come to the conclusion that God has called His Bride to be more.With that at the forefront of their minds, they live to seek God and uncover His mysteries.
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