So Much More

People cross lines that weren't meant to be crossed then complain for-like-ever about the way it affected them as if they had no power to choose in the first place.

Some things were chosen for us and I get that all too well.

But the choices we choose to make...

It's like we don't even need an enemy to steal our power because we lie to ourselves.

Gifted - Image by congerdesign via Pixabay - Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes

Guys, are you hearing me? Wake up. Please wake up and get up!
You have been created for
So. Much. More.

THE Almighty God could have created us ANY way He chose
and yet HE CHOSE to make us 

His Image - Picture via truthseeker08 via Pixabay - Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes

He spoke and created the whole world and every detail of every detail in it.

When we speak we have the ability to build up or the power to tear down.

The way we speak to ourselves matters, too, so very much.

We have an open door invitation in prayer to talk with Him ANY time 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

What an amazing GOOD, good Father to choose to be available to us ALL the time!

If we choose to stay too busy to talk with Him and then take the time He's gifted us to complain about how unfair life is to everyone around us (in words and actions) what EVEN?!

We constantly are diminishing our God-given blessings of strengths and talents as if we actually believe in some kind of heroism disguised behind the mask of humility.

I read something somewhere about hiding talents.

If we focus and believe and stay in constant prayer, drawing from HIS Grace and Power, and HIS Gentleness and Courage; I'm sure we aren't aware how much we each could accomplish.

The enemy tries to keep us distracted by judging other people's motives and lives so that we stay too busy to seek The Lord in ALL we do.

That's a very sad thing  for everyone.

Circumstances try to demand your focus but God says to

Fixed Eyes - Image by Himsan via Pixabay - Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes

and you won't sink and you won't drown.

I believe sometimes the purpose is for God to see who we are when tested in the fires.

And then sometimes it's for us to find out who we are in the middle of it all.

God still allows and causes chains to fall off and prison doors to unlock and swing WIDE open!

Check out Acts 16:25-26 "About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and EVERYONE'S chains came loose."

Whatever you're chained to and imprisoned by does not have the power to steal praises to your God from your lips!

OPEN your mouth right now and praise Him with your voice even in  especially in  the middle of it all. What a beautiful sacrifice!

Stand up. Kneel down. Dance. SING and bring Heaven into your situation. Singing praises through the endless days when it looks like nothing is happening.

Something is happening.

He's building your faith and testing you to refine you because 

God's Love Knows No Bounds - Image by Comfreak via Pixabay - Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes

God sees everything and nothing is wasted.

On A Mission - Kerri Valor - Portrait Provided by The Valor Family

Kerri Valor, and her daughters, are waiting in faith in N.W. Washington 
for God to open doors to Alaska.
Once there, they'll be working towards the development of a homeless shelter
for domestic abuse and sex-trafficked survivors. 

They welcome your prayers, 
as well as financial partnership, 
to bring to fruition the shelter God has pressed upon their hearts to create:

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