Share your Past
Share your Present
Share your Highs
Share your Lows
Share your Sorrows
and, "Oh No's"
Your Holy Woes
We feel alone,
sitting side by side with others and yet invisible
as if we're still an unpopular kid in high school.
An autonomous society,
where a few choose to speak,
You don't have to raise your hand or wait to be called on.
Speak Up
Speak Out
Let Others Hear You Shout
Let Out Your Heartache
God will come alongside you,
to pick you back up:
He's there in a stranger's handshake,
the hug of an acquaintance,
a coworker to share lunch with;
the prayers within a congregation,
a gentle breeze,
the chatter of squirrels,
the bird song in trees.
Loneliness is real;
but, it's also just a state of mind.
It can be overcome.
Invest in others,
and you'll see,
you'll be surrounded by people
as often as you want to be.
Perhaps, there's no one to share your bed with;
but, sex is over-rated,
a brief release.
Companionship can be found in other ways;
and, safety in numbers too.
From roommates of the human variety
to fur-babies;
you're choosing your invisibility,
a victim-hood status,
rather than solving the problem.
There's always a way,
you just have to
One step in front of the other and so the journey of a thousand steps begins.
Where your road will take you?
Only God knows;
but, subscribe to this site, take my hand, and see:
We're all
pilgrims of promisefinding our way back home.
Victims no more,
claiming our own destinies.
Finding those with kindred spirits,
using our gifts
to help others find theirs;
an uprising beyond compare.
Because we
weren't born
to lay down and die!
We were born to take over
roles within history,
born to love unconditionally;
and, to play our parts to their fullest extent.
to others that need us most,
until we find ourselves on the other-side of the veil
Don't waste your gift,
don't waste your voice,
live out loud!
That's part of why we're all here:
Whatever healthy thing in your life sets you apart,
makes you shine;
whatever you've been complemented on in the past,
do more of that!
Share your Past
Share your Present
Share your Highs
Share your Lows
Share your Sorrows
and, "Oh No's",
Your Holy Woes
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