Make Someone Happy and You Will Be Happy Too

There seem to be two camps of people:
Those who buy from, and support, others who sell products
through multi-level marketing companies;
and, those who don't. 

Why is that?

You might question,
"Why make the helm of those at Mary Kay wealthy?"
However, is that really a valid thought to have?
I mean, why make those at the helm of Target,
H&M, or your local grocery store rich?

What's the difference?

huge difference might be this for you as it is for me:
I don't know anyone who works at H&M personally;
however, I do know my Mary Kay Lady: Angela Franklin.

#MyMKLife - Portrait Provided by Angela Franklin

I know a Compassionate Entrepreneur within Trades of Hope:
Erica Barker.

Trades of Hope Compassionate Entrepreneur - Image Provided by Erica Barker;

I do know Lysandra Vander Hart
who sells Norwex Products.

Norwex Representative - Image Provided by Lysandra Vander Hart 

And, as for me, I happen to be an Usborne "Book Lady"!

#MomLife: Bathroom Selfie - Self Portrait by Jennie Louwes

Often times, people hesitate to buy from their family members
because family and business (in many cases) doesn't tend to mix well;
and, if you buy from one cousin you often feel obligated to buy from another
(and when you've got close to 50 cousins, like me, purchasing things adds up)!  However, one purchase doesn't obligate you for life;
even just one purchase provides encouragement
and displays your love and support. 

It's the same when buying from your friends.
It's not the head of the business where your focus should lay
but that of the well-fare and well-being of your friend.
You're helping her afford dance lessons for her daughter,
Christian education for her kids;
a vacation, once a year, that otherwise wouldn't be able to be taken, etc.
Your friend is exactly like a small business owner who has taken a leap of faith
to represent products she (or he) loves in hopes that they won't have to fold and close-up shop under financial pressure, debt, and losses but will flourish instead!

Support Small Business - Image Found via Facebook - Untitled/Origin Unknown

Most, if not all people, who choose multi-level marketing do so
because they use and believe in the product they're selling and representing. They want to open the doors to you so that what they've found,
that works for them,
might be of benefit to you too.
Supplementing a household income is a large hope within this;
but, it's not the sole mission or reason behind one's decision. 
They truly want to do their best to expose you to something new
or items that are time-tested, tried and true.

The Common Thread - Image and Words Created by Jennie Louwes

Reconsider your purchases.
Often times, the cheapest prices on products
are found at the "Target's" in the world
but quality is found elsewhere.
The old adage of, "You get what you pay for", rings true.
I'd rather buy from a friend than a big box store, you?

I believe you'll find:

The Help Never Ends - Image and Words Created by Jennie Louwes

Help one person,
and you'll be helping more people than you'll ever know.

Christmas in July is the perfect time to shop.
Get a jump start on the holidays so they don't overwhelm;
who's with me?
And, who do you know that you can surprise with by buying from today?

"Make someone happy,
make just one someone happy,
and you will be happy too"
(Jimmy Durante).

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