"It shouldn't matter where you are from
or where you're headed
what it boils down to in my book is:
Do we all look out for each other
or not?"
What would Michael have us do?
God gave us clear instruction to care for the widows and orphans among us.
It's not a one stop shop, help and bail-out.
The plight of the widows and orphans hasn't changed if we do.
We're called to be their wing-men for the rest of their lives.
To come alongside, bolster and encourage them,
to lend them our strength, to protect them,
and to assist them financially so they're able to uphold
a lifestyle of stability (as they were accustomed to)
when their husband
and father
was still alive.
This requires more than a one-time monetary donation.
This requires pledges of support that become something they can count on.
To know and believe they won't be destitute
but can look forward to a future where the love and goodness of others
has gifted them with security and hope.
When Michael was dying we united to join together
to help make a way for his children to receive a Christian education.
That's still a goal to rally around and accomplish for him, his girls,
and Lysandra too.
Lysandra has discovered
she's stronger and more resilient than she ever imagined herself to be.
She has made great strides to care for her girls
despite never having imagined,
prior to Michael's getting sick,
that she'd be left as the sole parent to do so.
She's made the best of a bad,
heart-breaking situation;
in no small part,
because of the words Michael left her with.
Recently Lysandra was recognized at a Norwex convention.
Please listen to hear about everything that's taken place in her own words:
Lysandra feels the gravity of her situation.
The immense weight upon her shoulders;
yet, is able to retain some levity by surrounding herself with people
who believe in the same products (and company) that she does.
Michael told his wife: "Don't give up Norwex. You're good at it. Keep going."
She's done Michael proud, and her girls proud too.
Thing is, she can't succeed in Norwex on her own;
and, she can't afford to give her girls the life that Michael and she
had wanted to give them...
without us.
How can you help?
You can continue to send in monies to the Woodlawn CRC Ministry Center
writing out the checks to the church
while putting on the memo line that you'd like the monies
designated to the Benevolent Fund for Lysandra and her girls.
The other way in which you can become involved with the on-going
care, love, and support of this family is to do what I've done:
Sign-up as a Norwex Consultant under Lysandra.
And, guess what, you don't have to sell a thing!
(Unless, of course, you want to).
I'm an "engaged" consultant on Lysandra's team
but I don't actively sell.
Instead, I remain "engaged" by ordering $250 dollars of product every 6 months.
One order is typically designated for my own household
garnering a year's supply of laundry detergent,
and other items we use daily,
in one fell swoop.
The second order I place is then typically designated towards gifting
family and friends with Norwex goodness so they can try it for themselves.
How does this help Lysandra?
It builds her team.
It propels her up the Norwex ladder of success.
It helps her bottom line financially.
It helps her to keep going,
doing something she loves and doing what she's good at.
It becomes something she's able to depend upon.
Will you be the next person to sign-up, show-up, and stand in the gap?
Do it for Michael and help him fulfill what he had wanted to provide most for his girls.
Do it for Lysandra and help her remain empowered and independent.
And, do it for yourself and your loved ones too.
After all, lessening the toxins and chemicals in your own home
will benefit you, yours, and the environment
(it's a win-win)!
Plus, you'll be able to get to know Lysandra better
and call her friend.
Praying you take these words to heart!
"The hands of the Almighty are so oft to be found
at the end of our own arms".
For more ideas of how you might help Lysandra and her girls click here:
And, please feel free to write a comment and share any other creative ideas
of how we might once again come together to lift Lysandra and her girls higher.