Truth is,
Amy and I barely know one another.

Perhaps, all we remember is having passed one another in a hallway,
Christian High,once upon a time.
It's those
hallowed halls and walls that bind us though.
That, and the fact that we,
like many of you,
identify ourselves as Christ followers.
As Christians, what are we called to do?
Love God, above all else, and
love our neighbor as our-self.
Amy is our neighbor and she needs our help.
If you haven't read about A.J.,

Amy's son,

I urge you to take a step back.
Visit the Go Fund Me page that was set-up on their behalf: visit the You Caring page
that had been set-up to see them through too.
You may also pursue further insight, via a previous blog post, here: may think $8,000+ dollars raised is a lot,and it is;however, it's just a drop in the bucket.
Those monies,
used for A.J.'s funeral and head-stone expenses,
weren't enough;
life is expensive
and so is death.
The weight of grief,
upon this mama's shoulders,
has been compounded by the medical bills that are other-worldly
in their immensity.
She's barely keeping her head above water
and we need to grab hold of her hands to keep her from drowning!
You know how once you've read Scripture,
been exposed to various verses and the truths they hold,
that you're no longer able to claim ignorance
but are obliged to live them out?
In the same way,
when we know of real need within our community,
of one of our own,
are we not also called to see;
not able to turn a blind eye
but obliged to help?
Let's produce a miracle, this New Year, in the lives of Amy and her family!
Let's help them reach that $15,000 dollar goal on their You Caring page
and help them to see that there's still good in the land of the living.
Because, right now, Amy has been isolating herself;
she feels abandoned and alone.
As a community of post Christian High graduates,
and as a community of believers,
let's bring the church to her doorstep and help her catch her breath
above the waves of grief, despair, and sadness
that are seeking to take her away from us.
You have the opportunity to be the miracle;
as the Holy Spirit has been tugging on my own heart,
I hope He's now tugging on yours too.
May we listen and be spurred into action,
we can save a life;
today, it's Amy's.
Our Christian faith,
in action,
is meant for the widow,
the orphan,
and the strangers among us;
it's meant for those we know and those we don't.
It's meant for those within our community and those outside of it;
we are meant to care for our own
Amy is one of ours
just as Lysandra remains one of ours too.

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