Death need not be a robber when viewed through the eyes of a believer's faith.
Death has been a part of my life since I was ten.
It began with the death of a Neighbor's Infant Son.
Then, a Beloved Uncle.
All of my Grandparents.
A Best Friend, when she was 25.

Two more Uncles.
A Beloved Aunt.
And, the above does not mention the death's of my family lineage,
of Great Aunt's and Great Uncle's,
those have been a part of my journey with death too.
What each death has brought into my life is the fact that mourning does not last forever.
Each subsequent death becomes easier for me to handle,
my period of grief lessened;
with each death my faith has grown stronger, my beliefs more solid.
As Christians, we don't seek to conjure up the spirit's of those who have departed;
However, it's okay to believe in "Windows from Heaven";

Okay, to still speak to our loved ones as though they are with us:
It's not a sin to say their name.
Leaving this life with "No Words Left" has now become my goal.
will write books,
will speak my heart,
will be unafraid of what other people think;
will get my house in order,
will influence people, for Heaven's sake, to "expand the tent pegs of His Kingdom".
Lindsay McPhail)
will live fearlessly!
I will not let the devil hold me back from doing God's will.

"You have no idea the number of people God may want to influence through you".
(Andy Stanley)
Couple that with this:
"Let me encourage you to savor your work,
your part in God's mission,
because at some point you will lay it down".
(Benjamin Becksvoort)
And, it's because of Benjamin Becksvoort that this post came to be.
"Gentle Ben" was my friend, Beth's, father.

Benjamin Becksvoort passed away three days ago.
Look to a recent death of a loved one,
or look to the death of a loved one of an acquaintance you know,
and re-read what has been written here with their death in mind.
God gifts you with life and the lives of those who are in it;
It's up to you what you're going to do with the life you've been given.
Life is hard and difficult, even on it's best days it's not without its faults;
however, mourning need not hold us hostage.
Let your mourning become a rite of passage, one that leads to life;
live in honor of the person who has passed away.
Believe they see you, they hear you, and be comforted in knowing you will see them again.
Cry. Be Angry. But let bitterness go.
Death is but a moment in time;

A joy will come, one morning, when you least expect it;
the day when you think fondly of the person who has passed away and smile instead of cry.
May you find hope in the midst of your heart-shattering sorrow;
your life never the same, but your heart will be pieced together again.
For your husband, your son, your mother, your brother,
You Live, Beth, You Live.
Prayers are with you, covered in love.