Have you ever been cast aside?
Let go?
Have you ever had another woman claim your wifely role as her own?
Then, you know what it is to be broken, alone and in a place that's beyond loneliness.
A place filled with so much pain; there are no words, only the wailing of the soul.
I have learned this to be true: It is better to be alone, and single, than to be alone within a marriage.
A marriage ceases to be a marriage
when there is only one person left standing by the sacred vows.
For the person who did not want the marriage to end,
The one who didn't know the end was near;
To the person who had the premonitions
But couldn't bear to believe what they saw, heard or felt,
For you, I will share my first life.
So you know you are not alone.
I have been where you are.
All divorce experiences are different and yet are similar too.
They all involve loss.
Divorce equates to death but I think it worse than death itself.
I was 25 when I found myself divorced from the man I expected to spend the rest of my life with.
I write my story to give young divorcees a voice to relate to.
I write my story to give divorcees, of all ages, hope in the midst of their heartache.
I write my story to guide you through your pain.
I write my story because you too will have to let go, and let go, and let go, again and again and again.
Divorce for the person who never wanted to find themselves divorced,
Nor ever dreamed they'd end up a divorcee,
Is devastating.
However, faith in God will see you through;
"For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake,
That His life may also be revealed in our mortal body.
So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you"
(II Corinthians 4:11,12).
You will have many deaths in your life, deaths involving parts of yourself.
God hates divorce,
But He also is able to use divorce to mold and shape you into who He desires you to be.
The stripping away of what you thought best for you is perhaps just the beginning of what will reveal His best for you.
My memoir has taken shape.
It is time to place it within an agent's hands.
Please pray that it be met with acceptance.
My prayer is for my story to be found in your hands:
May your spirit heal and may you find yourself able to let go.
For now, know this:
You are not alone, you never have been and never will be.
God is with you and He is love.