The Rose

It's nothing to fear.

From death comes renewed beauty.

In Fall the old leaves fall away.

In preparation for the new.

Frost brings with it a protective chill.

Beneath winter things lay dormant

But far from still.

Everything is awaiting the perfect time to showcase the labors of their wait.

"The soul afraid of dying never learns to live" (The Rose, Lyrics by: Amanda McBroom).

All Scripture, God-breathed truth and it says: Death has no more sting (I Corinthians 15:55).

If we need not fear death; what else is there to fear?


Jesus conquered death.

For Him, if no one else, conquer your fears.

If you break through the barrier of fear than whatever has been holding you back
Will hold you back no more.

Free to share with the world your gifts and the world will forever be changed.

Be like Christopher Maloney:

Emerge from your winter;

Because of Jesus' great love for you, become a rose in bloom.

Be who you are meant to be;

Set yourself free.

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