
Against the Wind - Picture by Gellinger via Pixabay - Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes

What once began with so much promise
was dismantled piece by piece.
Not what I had wanted
but necessary to keep the peace.

To keep a man happy,
to subjugate myself,
I put the kibosh on what God had wrought.
I told myself, "You'll start small
and then grow out."

Of course, what God wills
cannot be put asunder.
What He gifts, ordains, and calls good
for His glory
won't be thwarted from continuing on.

Renewed purpose,
a team once more,
ready for God to restore.
What once was lost
now is found
better than it was before.

Not rigid,
not stringent,
by Heaven's grace.
He's a good father,
merciful and true;
and, this thing here:

Don't align yourself with an unbeliever
who is still blinded by self
and cannot see.


Purposed for More - Picture by Artsy Solomon via - Words and Overlay by Jennie Louwes

Not meant to be measured by the hands and mind of man.
Meant to be trusted, 
lauded, loved by a believer
the same as I am.


A writer will write even if no one reads what is written;
but, how much more satisfaction and joy is found when things are shared?

Welcome to Alaska - Self Portrait and Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes

A new chapter has begun!

From my heart to yours,
"Thank you for being here."

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