
"We have this gift,
this gift of life,

but we don't have it for a long while.

We have a finite measure of breathes,
and finite beats of the heart we are all given.

What will we do with our measure?
Will we choose anger, malice and hatred to be our first response?
Or will we choose

kindness and respect to be our treasure?
Will our lips speak with honey

words that attract like nectar the honey bee
or will we speak with gossip and judgement
our words holding another hostage, a prisoner with no key?

Ask yourself what will I do with this gift,
this temporary breath,
these few heartbeats given
and know that today you can choose,
in this moment,
to live in hell or heaven." 

Linda Burandt

2 Responses

Linda Burandt
Linda Burandt

September 30, 2015

Thank you Kitty! You are such a blessing to me.

Kitty Johnson
Kitty Johnson

September 28, 2015

Lovely Linda is a gift to us all-

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