I once tried my hand at creating a T-Shirt Campaign,
(A shirt with a mom wearing a cape),
only one person reserved a Tee;
the campaign ended without being fulfilled.
It was a failure.
I have two logo's for MomPro,
(Courtesy of
Vaughn Donahue &
Destination Graphic)

and T-shirts can be printed up that will look professional
and represent the brand well.
I'd like to wait to launch them though
until they are fully mine to give-away or sell;
this go round, it's
Kick-starter and crowd-funding we try!
Only 10 days and counting to fulfill a $23,000 goal.
Not much time;
however, if God wants MomPro to lead with logo'd merchandise,
and a spoken word art piece,
then this campaign
will succeed!
If not,
I simply fail forward.
All is never lost when you pick yourself up
and try, try again!
I count it a win to be trying something I haven't tried before.
When you hear from God, "It's time",
and you're not sure what that means,
you take stock of your loose ends and tie them all up again.
- "The M.A.M.A. Project" self-edited, word goals met, re-submitted: Check.
- The authentic self being shared across all social media channels? Yes!
- Blog posts written regarding newest revelations: Check.
- Spoken Word Art Manuscript fully typed out? Yes!
- "The Letter" sent out to a pastor for Biblical accuracy affirmation? Check.
- A Kick-starter campaign fully developed, submitted and launched? Yes!
All loose ends tied-up, now what?
We wait, with expectation,
for what God's about to do!
going to answer.
It's going to be a "Yes," a "No", or "Wait".
No matter His response
it will be just enough light for the step we're on;

One step at a time is all you really need.
When you're told, "It's time",
look at the avenues available to you;
break your silence,
and speak.
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