Raising Readers (Even If You Aren't One)

Cat Meme - Image Provided by Free-Photos via Pixabay - Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes

The reality is,
no matter our background
we’re going to be blind-sided by parenting time and again.
So, if raising a reader has you stumped, don’t despair! 
I believe in you, and I want to offer you all the tips I've received.
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Cold Tangerines

Loving Life - Word Overlay by Jennie Louwes - Image Provided by Freely Photos

"I want to make my everyday make God belly laugh,
glad that He gave life to someone who loves the gift,
who will use it up and wring it out and drag it around like a favorite sweater"
(Cold Tangerines; Shauna Niequist). 
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